Flavours of Fingal Call us on:

Fun Walk: Creating Route Map of Ballyboughal (Slí na Sceacha)


Ballyboughal, Annsbrook, A41 HC94
Website: https://thehedge.org/

Discover secret nooks, routes and crannies on the path, collect bits and bobs to make a fun group map with your treasure.

The morning consists of a countryside walk with local artists Amy Cooney & Audrey Brennan collecting treasure (leaves, stones…) and exploring nature, followed by an art session (sticking / drawing / sketching & taking rubbings) based on our favourite parts.

There will also be long-ago storytelling with locals who remember ghosts at night and secret getaway tunnels in dangerous times. Time for lunch and a ball game, too!

Please text or ring on 086 3638487 or email lynchjustice@gmail.com for further information and bookings.

Organised by the Ballyboughal Hedgerow Society.